5 AM Concept Club

5:00am a concept popularized by Robin Sharma where you get up at 5 am in the morning to complete a set of 20/20/20 – 20 minutes in intense exercise, 20 minutes reflecting on your goals and 20 minutes learning a new skill.

Free journal and worksheets to help you use the 5 am club method to increase your creativity, energy, focus, happiness, and productivity

4:45AM Wake Up from bed

5:00am-5:20am – Exercise Period or Running

5:20am-5:40am – Reflection Period -Reading books or Meditation or journalism

5:20am-6:00am – Learning Period- Writing time- Write your own thoughts or Schedule or ideas.

The 5 am club gets you to wake up at 5 am or an hour before your family and use that distraction-free time to focus on three things: exercise (20 minutes), meditation and journaling (20 minutes), and learning or reading (20 minutes). During this time, you fuel your mind, body, and soul. We claim that the solitude and enhanced brain state that you’ll experience at 5:00 a.m. will increase your performance and help you reach new heights. People (Students or Progressive People) who have adopted the method described in the 5 AM club increased their creativity, energy, focus, happiness, and productivity.

The idea is to use the first hour of your day to drive personal growth and start your day right. This will ultimately help you get the most out of life.

How do you get started?

Buy an alarm clock (don’t use your phone if possible) and set it for 5 AM. When it goes off, jump out of bed immediately before you start thinking of reasons to go back to sleep. Follow the 5am club routine described below. You can also use our free custom morning routine maker to customize a morning routine for your specific needs.


The isolation that comes from getting up at 5AM has many benefits.

People have limited mental capacity or cognitive bandwidth. During the day, we reach our limits and therefore become less focused. The idea is to start your day at 5 AM and to focus on one high-value activity without your brain getting distracted.

At 5 AM you are more likely to trigger transient hypofrontality. At 5 AM the brain’s prefrontal cortex, which handles rational thought, temporarily shuts down. Therefore, you tend to analyze, stress, and worry about things less than you do later on in the day. At 5 AM, the peace and quiet stimulate the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. The causes you to enter a state of “flow”. You feel energized, focused, and in the zone. You will be less likely to worry and over-analyze.

Transient hypofrontality, then, means that for a while, under certain conditions, the focused thinking part of our brain gets a rest. This allows other parts and functions to become more dominant

Therefore, when you get up at 5 AM you will be more focused and productive during the entire day.


Self-discipline and perseverance are more important for success than talent. Therefore, instead of thinking you don’t have what it takes, capitalize on the gifts and talents you have to make a difference. Most people are not prepared to get up at 5AM to help their personal development. Therefore, if you do what 95% of the population is not prepared to do, then you already have an advantage.

In order to be successful, you need to focus on what is important. Gaining a distraction-free hour at 5 AM is one of the most effective things you can do.

Small things done daily are more powerful than big things done once in a while. This is called day-stacking. If you improve one ability or skill by just one percent every day, it amounts to a 365 percent improvement over a one-year period!

Own your morning, elevate your life. Robin Sharma


The 5am club book explains that we each have four “interior empires.” They are our Mindset, Healthset, Heartset, and Soulset.

Your “mindset” is driven by your thoughts. Think positive and optimistic thoughts and you will improve your life.

Your “heartset” is your emotional life and well-being. You cannot perform at your best if your emotional life is a mess. When you don’t express your emotions then they will come forth later in uglier ways. When you focus on a healthy heartset, you will feel much better and you will be able to better communicate with others.

Your “healthset” is your physical health. According to the author, one of the key ways to get ahead in life is longevity and when you commit to optimal fitness, you get more productive years. Exercise helps you gain energy, reduce stress, and increases your happiness.

Your “soulset” is your spirituality. Take some time in the quiet moments of the early morning to remember who you truly are. Bond with yourself and mediate to reconnect with yourself.

When you give each of the four interior empires attention, you can master yourself in your chosen field. In order to live a balanced and successful life, you need to focus on your mind, health, heart and soul. The 5 am routine helps you to focus on each of these things.


The formula describes the perfect morning routine to make the hour between 5 and 6 your own and become a true member of the 5 AM club. The first hour of your day is divided into three blocks of time. Each block is 20 minutes long.

According to the 20/20/20 rule, you use 20 minutes to move, 20 minutes to reflect, and 20 minutes to grow. The 20-20-20 formula for productive mornings can transform your creativity, performance, utility, wealth, and productivity.


Move for 20 minutes – perform vigorous exercise for 20 minutes. It is important that you sweat. Sweat gets rid of cortisol (the hormone of fear and stress) and generates the protein BDNF (which repairs brain cells and accelerates the formation of new neural connections). Therefore, by sweating for 20 minutes, you will think faster!


Spend 20 minutes on reflection with a period of deep peace and solitude. Reflect on what is most important to you. You will be amazed how 20 minutes of self-reflection enables you to step back and reflect on what truly matters. You will suddenly gain perspective and inspire visions and a deeper understanding of things than you would have had. Write these thoughts in a journal. Write about your ambitions, the things you’re grateful for in your life, your achievements, and your disappointments. This will help you gain clarity, better understand your vision, and let go of toxic negative thoughts and energies. Spend this time on meditation, which helps you stay calm and reduce your stress.


The last 20 minutes are spent on growing. Use this time to learn. Read biographies to study the lives of great achievers, learn about different topics that interest you, watch documentaries or listen to audiobooks. Use this time for self-development and learning.