FM Assignment 4

Q.1 Determine the dimensions of the quantities given below:-

  1. Discharge
  2. Specific weight
  3. Kinematic Viscosity
  4. Dynamic viscosity

Q.2 Determine the dimensions of the quantities given below:-

  1. Force
  2. Angular Velocity
  3. Weight
  4. Angular Acceleration

Q.3 Define the term vortex flow.

Q.4 Define flow net

Q.5 Define the velocity potential function

Q.6 What do you understand by stream function?

Q.7 Differentiate Rotational and irrotational flow

Q.8 Explain the terms (a) Streak lines (b) Path line (c) Stream line & (d) Stream tube

Q.9 What do you understand by equipotential Lines ?

Q. 10 Define Local Acceleration.