Engaging in self-study is a sure way to boost confidence in your effort to be successful in exams and build a career. But there are several negative impacts of self-study that far outweigh the singular positive effect. When it comes to studying for serious exams like that of BOARDS,  NEET, IIT-JEE, CA, you need the best possible help and assistance to guide you to success.

10 Reasons to join CONCEPT ACADEMY

  1. Excellent teachers & way to understand
  2. Optimizes learning skills
  3. Scope of studying all subjects with equal importance
  4. Comprehensive study material
  5. Revisions & recapitulation
  6. Problem solving tricks & tips
  7. Mock tests & scope of self-assessment
  8. Stimulating study ambiance
  9. One-one attention while studying
  10. Exams related updated information & assistance


If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right….

Dream It ! Wish It ! Do It …….

Push Yourself, Because no one is going to do it for you

विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्। पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम्॥ भावार्थ :

विद्या से विनय (नम्रता) आती है, विनय से पात्रता (सजनता) आती है पात्रता से धन की प्राप्ति होती है, धन से धर्म और धर्म से सुख की प्राप्ति होती है ।

विद्या नाम नरस्य कीर्तिरतुला भाग्यक्षये चाश्रयो धेनुः कामदुधा रतिश्च विरहे नेत्रं तृतीयं च सा । सत्कारायतनं कुलस्य महिमा रत्नैर्विना भूषणम् तस्मादन्यमुपेक्ष्य सर्वविषयं विद्याधिकारं कुरु ॥ भावार्थ :

विद्या अनुपम कीर्ति है; भाग्य का नाश होने पर वह आश्रय देती है, कामधेनु है, विरह में रति समान है, तीसरा नेत्र है, सत्कार का मंदिर है, कुल-महिमा है, बगैर रत्न का आभूषण है; इस लिए अन्य सब विषयों को छोडकर विद्या का अधिकारी बन ।

न चोरहार्यं न च राजहार्यंन भ्रातृभाज्यं न च भारकारी । व्यये कृते वर्धते एव नित्यं विद्याधनं सर्वधन प्रधानम् ॥ भावार्थ :

विद्यारुपी धन को कोई चुरा नहीं सकता, राजा ले नहीं सकता, भाईयों में उसका भाग नहीं होता, उसका भार नहीं लगता, (और) खर्च करने से बढता है । सचमुच, विद्यारुप धन सर्वश्रेष्ठ है ।

CONCEPT ACADEMY providing a learning platform for the students with top-notch teachers from across the nation on its board. You can find notes, question papers for various subjects like Physics,Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Commerce, English, SST & Computer etc. together with study materials for various competitive exams. Stay tuned to get more NCERT Solutions and preparation tips. To get complete assistance for exams, you can register with CONCEPT ACADEMY.

अगर आपको लगता है कि तालीम महँगी है, तो ज़हालत की कीमत सोच कर देखो ।।।।।

To our students, we impart value-based career education, abundant resources, and individual attention. To the parents, we have a responsibility to nurture ethical and responsible career leadership in the children. To the society, we provide a lifelong connection to ethics and excellence in Global Leaders

Our Students will be the leaders of the future in career

At CONCEPT ACADEMY, we focus on building a strong foundation of knowledge and concepts in students for their success and provide an excellent platform for the preparation of competitive exams and board level education. The best academic support and personal care which we provide to the students helps them meet their career goals and objectives. The core values of Determination, Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity, Devotion, Humanism, Holistic Learning, Social Ethics, and concern for society & environment are all closely interwoven into the fiber of our academic programs. Our highly qualified and most experienced faculties are dedicated and committed to student’s complete success and provide assistive surroundings to contribute to their social, cultural, academic and all-round development.

A field, however fertile, cannot be fruitful without cultivation; neither can a mind without learning.

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.