FM Assignment 01


Attempt All the questions

  1. For a Newtonian fluid.
    1. a. Shear stress is proportional to shear strain
    2. Rate of shear stress is proportional to shear strain
    3. Shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain
    4. Rate of shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain.
  2. Decrease in temperature, in general, results in
    1. An increase in viscosities of both gases and liquids
    2. A decrease in the viscosities of both liquids and gases
    3. An increase in the viscosity of liquids and a decrease in that of gases
    4. A decrease in the viscosity of liquids and an increase in that of gases
  3. Define the term ideal fluid.
  4. Calculate the density of a 10 kg liquid of volume 20 m3.
  5. What is the hydrostatic pressure in N/m2 of 20 mm Hg.
  6. Write the S.I. and C.G.S units of viscosity.
  7. Define viscosity and kinematic viscosity.
  8. What are fluids? Define and classify.
  9. An oil of specific gravity 0.9 has viscosity of 0.28 Strokes at 380C. What will be its viscosity in Ns/m2
  10. The capillary rise at 200 C in clean glass tube of 1 mm diameter containing water is approximately